Why I Wanted to Run This Race
Plenty of members from the Local Merrick Bicycles Tri Team run this race, it’s a large race with great amenities and the thrill of getting in on the initial sign up is always fun! Registration opens up for 1,000 people and sells out within minutes. You have a second chance a few weeks later as well. It’s always a fun race and the after party does not disappoint. Registration was $60 but if you like to drink beer or eat a lot of food, you will get your money’s worth! There are 2 large tents setup at the end, live band, beer, food, refreshments, anything and everything!!!! You will not be disappointed.
Goals For The Race
Beautiful 10mile run course that winds through the streets of Patchogue and Bayport area, It is mostly flat and fast with enough turns to keep things fresh but not enough to make you dizzy. Last year I ran this race and hit a 7:45 pace hitting a total time of 1:17:26, the miles played out like this
7:57 / 7:53 / 7:48 / 7:48 / 7:51 / 7:41 / 7:40 / 7:36 / 7:47 / 7:30
It was my race goal for January to PR this race, so a 7:44 pace average would be perfect!
Leading up to race day I came down with a sinus infection early in the week and it lingered into race day. Multiple days of NyQuil DayQuil and Mucinex, I typically train through my colds as long as there is no fever, I only missed 2 swim sessions during the week. As the race got closer I slightly considered a DNS (did not start) but I have yet to sign up for a race and not start it. Knowing a PR may not be in the books my goal the morning of was, dress warm, head out comfortably and try and find a groove and concentrate on a smooth heart rate.
Temperature race morning was 22 degrees F with thankfully little to no wind, it was a dry cold air. A pair of running pants, an under armour long sleeve cold gear top and my Running jacket worked perfect, with the addition of gloves and a hat. I hit my layers perfect as the race went on and I wasn’t cold or overheating. I started out looking at heart rate for the first 2 miles and it settled into a nice zone and stayed around 155bpm. To my surprise the first 2 miles ticked off faster than I thought a 7:22 and a 7:28. I settled in to a nice groove and found myself staying with people of about the same pace, I decided to stick with this pace and continued to knock off miles in the same fashion hitting 7:30 / 7:22 / 7:22 / 7:20 / 7:21 / 7:20 through mile 8. The bulk of the work was done and if I held it together a PR was easily in the bag. I found a few runners putting some strides in for the last 2 miles and hit a 7:08 for mile 9 and then turned it up with what I had left for mile 10 and hit a sub 7 at 6:54 a mile!!!!! Just like that I hammered an even 4 minute PR off this race. 1:13:26 official time.
I used my own nutrition on course which was 2 running bottles on my belt with Infinit Jet Fuel, and sipped every mile marker which usually kills both bottles in a 10 mile run.
Crossing the finish line felt fantastic as always, we hung around and watched some friends finish but we shuffled down the block back to the tents, to hang out and have some refreshments!!!!
Thank You to the Sayville Running Company, Bluepoint Brewery and all the volunteers who braved the cold to make this an exceptional Run Race!!!
Location 161 River Ave, Patchogue NY
Website :
Parking 9/10 – Parked in LIRR lot just up the block from event, plenty of signage and directions to lots.
Amenities and Giveaway – 9/10 long sleeve tech shirt, medal, beer and plenty of food! Live Band
Course Layout and Support – 9/10